Wednesday, September 24, 2008

idiotic morons

this is NOT an emo post. this is what i classify as 'SPEAKING MY MIND AND THE TRUTH'

there are a few groups of idiotic morons that i honestly hate.

1. morons who use their high-lights when they drive. you fucking blind ah? trust me, i'd prefer to drive infront of a car with H.I.D then an asshole who uses his high-lights!
2. morons who overtake from the left and right without using their indicators.
3. morons who think their grandfather build the roads and come out of the junction any fucking time.
4. morons who thinks they're the richest and therefore look down on every single one. mother fucker, what makes you think i dont have money?! i might even have more then you and your family ever have! so fucking be humble! can?! other people got money too! nabeh..
5. morons who have come in at 10.30pm when the whole restaurants closing! go mamak which opens 24hours lah! don't you know some restaurant closes at 10.30???
6. morons who try too hard to impress the girls AT THE WRONG TIME OF THE DAY. bringing your girlfriend to a restaurant at 10.30pm isnt cool. did you know that we could add extra ingredients into your dish, without you knowing it? you wouldnt want that to happen would you?! never piss a chef. never.
7. morons who come to malaysia, act cocky, a friend gets killed, then say malaysians are bad.

id only like to elaborate on moron no7. in todays papers, a 22yr old Chad student was 'the wrong colour and he died because of it in Wangsa Maju, says fellow AFRICANs'. this is based on my personal experience, and not what i read from the papers. we malaysians, should kill them more, then let them leave and this place would be more peaceful without them. honestly. i live in a condo infested with these donkeys and all MOST OF THEM do, is create trouble. and say we, owners, purposely pick on them. WTF?! would you dare say it in my face?

im not 100% racist person. my bro-in-law is an indian. i would honestly have to say, some indians, malays, ibans, bidayuhs, penan, thai, sing, indonesians, africans, whatever AND chinese are very well behaved and educated. some are just plain idiots.

an example. i came home one morning at 4am odviously due to alcohol, and some donkey fucks were still having a house party. i really mean, A HOUSE PARTY. like fucking noisy till i could hear them from the ground floor and they were on the 10th floor? how could i tolerate that shit? some of you would know my temper. some of you might not. if you do, thank heavens you know. if you dont, better not piss me. my face tells a million expressions.

i mean, im not saying ALL africans or chad or wadever are bad but, because of a group of idiotic bastards like you, you're all the same to me. its like, when you buy a tray of eggs from the supermarket. if you crack open a few eggs and they're rotten, wouldnt you think that ALL are rotten? unless you've got nothing in the world to do but crack and try every fucking egg. right?
im sure there are different races who hate the chinese too because of what some other idiotic chinese did to them. i dont blame you. i hate some chinese too, ok?

im not emo. its just, THINK BEFORE YOU FUCKING DO SOMETHING?! and IF youre listed as any of the morons, do something about it. change mother fucker. change!

if i do not show up on msn or facebook or blog anymore,
ISA might have caught me.
i could be in my boxers sleeping on the floor with full blast aircon and eating shitty rice.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

totally agree with point no.6! why they don't go to mamak and let us rest earlier??