Saturday, August 16, 2008

unusual saturday

this morning, i woke up at 9.20am to get ready for the 'election' of new JMB (Joint Management Body) in my condo because stated time that it started was 10am. but, being malaysians, 10am went on to 10.30am or later. wasnt tracking the time because was 3/4 sleeping.

so, it finally started about 11am till 12.30 or so. in the 'meeting', only 53 eligible voters were there. eligible meaning the owners have paid the assessment rates, maintainence fees n etc till june or july 08. so, daddy being a good pay master, i was there and eligable for voting. the unit isnt under my name because, 1, im not working and 2, he bought the place so, definatly his name will be there. no? so picked 14ppl from the total amount of 'eligable' voters to be the new JMB. JMB's tasks i THINK are basically to be the voices of the residents in the condo and voice out any complaints, etc. amongs the complaints were the africans who honestly spoilt the area. i say so, because, 1, they dont have the access cards of their own, which means any tom, dick, or harry could claim they are residents of the block but do not have the access cards. and these people are seriously like pest. they party till 4 or 5am in the morning with loud voices, jumping down from the 12th floor, stabbing cases, prostitution, break ins, swimming with clothes in the swimming pool, etc. well, you know. the annoying little fucks that live in your area. uneducated little fucks. tho they 'claim' they study in Lim Kok Wing college, you see little kids the age of between 6-10yrs old loitering around the area day and night.

i hope the management gets rid of these rats. im not being racist towards any religion, culture or skin colour. my brother in law is an indian so how racist could i get?!
and there were no guards from 1aug till today, as i speak. other issues such as finance n etc doesnt really bother me because im honestly quite satisfied. only problems i face are the african or wherever they come from 'students' and the guards.

after everything was so called 'settled', i went home to sleep. zzz. tired wei. so i slept till 4 or 5pm then went to church for mass.

yeah im a good catholic. =) and mass was as usual. except, i overheard some kid today which made me rofl n lmao n cant stop thinking of what he said. i was sitting outside you see. 'outstanding' christian. hehe. hes a little kid, mayb around 3 or 4yrs of age, running around n asking questions n etc. what made this kid special is that, he sort of told him mum, 'mummy, i know why we must come to church. we come to church to pray then Jesus let us party'. OMFG!
how cute could that be?! his mummy was laughing and the indian dude sitting on the other side also went doink! and his face was honestly WTF! haha. i couldnt stop laughing and thinking of what he said. if honestly we go to church then Jesus lets us party, i will go to church everyday then at night, i can go party and be wild because i went to church? haha.

went for bak kut teh after mass with brother then headed home to have a few beer then decided to come out. so here i am, again, in the cyber cafe, in subang. -_-

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