Monday, June 16, 2008

Berjaya Redang Industrial Training

Flashback July 2004

So, i took Hotel Management in Taylors right? Well, i took this course because i LOVED cooking fine dining cuisines. Now, i'm lazy. Anyways, Diploma course was 2 years and we had to do 2 industrial trainings. First training which was general training was done in Hilton Kuching. 3months after the training, we went for another round of training. This time, the four retards, (classmates from diploma) Vicki, Jennifer, Adrian and i wanted to be special children.

So, To Berjaya Redang Beach Resort We Went!

Jennifer, Adrian and I

This is Vicki's 'KNNCCB I WANT GO HOME' face
after seeing the oh so dirty hostel

My Gigi Besi Friend, Adrian. I miss him loads.

A little fun time

The 4 Retards.
Vicki, Jennifer, Adrian, s[T]p

That's me, jumping! =)

On the back of the lorry, one of our means of transport

We 'raped' most of the time. =)

It's not that i don't want to blog about this, but try thinking of how to blog about this place, a place you spent 50days in! Well, we went on 25th July 2004. That explains the lousy quality pictures ok? I think it was a 1mp camera only. So anyhows, i celebrated my birthday there. It was bad. seriously. Imagine, the kitchen staff didn't mind wasting 1tray of eggs, 1 block of butter, flour, cincaluk, squid waste, fishy water, overnight chicken, all soaked in 3 or 4 pails, and after work, been showered with that. Stinks worst than cow poo or baby poo or my poo! Had to wash the chef uniform asap because we had only 1 miserable uniform! And had to wash it WITH MY OWN HANDS! the hostel had no aircon, no washing machine, no laundry service. But they had a common toilet, common bathroom and nicely built about 400meters away from our room. How nice? lucky thing is that its all covered and spooky. really spooky. stay there long enough, you'll hear the stories. =)
SO, we worked like hell, tried to do double shifts (7am-3pm, 3pm-11pm) most of the time because we wanted to get the hell out of there ASAP! The deal we had was, work double shifts, get 1 day off. We didnt even take days off. I think we only had 2days of off out of the 50days we were there. hardworking, apparently. no? we didn't learn much there but got to show off our cooking skills to ang-mos by cooking omelette or sunny side up or over easy or half boiled eggs or poached eggs for breakfast and at night, cook spaghetti or on friday and saturday nights, it was bbq night. i was always in-charge of the pasta section because i cooked good? =) spaghetti sales was at their tops! no seriously..ang mos ate d spaghetti like its some malaysian food which they love. bbq nights had roasted whole local kambing, beef, fried rice, roti canai, bla bla bla. i can't remember. it was 2004 u know? Then, MERDEKA came. a way of 'celebrating' merdeka was as usual, bbq.
More pictures. =) p.s. i hate using this picture upload thingy and i am not at all bothered to use some photobucket shit. thanks for the advise anyways u! =)

This, is how much I spent in 50days there. airtickets not included!
we lived like kings. you know?kings that always eat seafood. =)

Seriously, KFC never tasted soooo good. I loves his shirt!

During Merdeka night.

Watermelon Carving. Am yet to master the art of carving.

Vicki making roti canai. its not as easy as it looks ok?
so pay some respect to the macha in the mamak next time.

Merdeka bbq night. bbq kambing finished.

Sous Chef (2nd boss) & Exec Sous Chef (Big boss)

Yay! Your dirty chefs. Thanks to no washing machine,
i lost my buttons. too rough i guess. =)

Anyways, that's bout all the pictures i have. This is great for a first timer. 2 entries in 1 night. WOW! i never read 2 books in 1 night even during final exams! Hope you readers enjoy. Do leave a comment. For improvement purposes. Am still learning ok?

Lastly, amazing people..... i really don't know how they did it but they did!

Then i remembered, its because i'm not one of them sleeping there.

Hope u liked it! MORE to come. =)


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